The global Power Quality Equipment Market Growth Accelerated by Increasing Investments in Renewable Energy Projects


Power Quality Equipment Market

Power quality equipment are electronics and electrical devices that monitor and test the electric power supply. They are used to detect power problems such as spikes, surges, sags, and interruptions in power supply. Power quality equipment are essential for industries and mission critical facilities where continuous and reliable power is required for operating machinery and equipment without disruptions. They protect sensitive electronic equipment from damage due to poor power quality issues.

The global power quality equipment market is estimated to be valued at US$ 36.1 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.1% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.


Power quality equipment help in maintaining uninterrupted operations across industries. They monitor various parameters of power supply like voltage, current and frequency fluctuations. They are installed at manufacturing plants, data centers, hospitals and commercial buildings to ensure steady power. The global power quality equipment market offers a variety of products including power quality meters, monitoring devices, harmonic filters and UPS systems. With growing industrialization and digitization, the demand for continuous power supply has increased tremendously. The implementation of strict regulations regarding carbon emissions is also propelling the demand for clean energy sources and efficient power distribution infrastructure.


Market Dynamics:

The growing demand for continuous power supply from industries and critical facilities is a major driver propelling the power quality equipment market. Industries require 24/7 operations to ensure optimal production and minimize downtime costs. Mission critical facilities like data centers and hospitals rely greatly on stable power for functioning medical equipment and server systems. The implementation of stringent environmental norms regarding carbon emissions by various governments globally is also fueling investments in clean energy infrastructure and demand for power quality monitoring devices. However, high product costs associated with advanced power quality equipment is a key challenge restraining widespread adoption. Ongoing research and development activities focused on developing cost-effective and customized solutions according to end-user requirements are expected to boost the market growth over the forecast period.


SWOT Analysis

Strength: Power quality equipment provide optimal power conditions. They monitor power disturbances such as harmonics, voltage variations, transients, power frequency variations and interruptions. Fault indications identify outage locations which minimize downtime. User-friendly interfaces help analyze voltage imbalances and reactive power ratings in an intuitive manner.


Weakness: High upfront installation and maintenance costs pose financial challenges for organizations. Customized and advanced equipment require specialized skills to operate and service which increase dependency on expert manpower.


Opportunity: Increasing electrification programs globally drives demand. Wide range of Industrial applications needing stable power supply generate scope. Focus on clean energy transition through integration of renewable sources expands scope.


Threats: Competition from local manufacturers may squeeze pricing. Macroeconomic uncertainties from trade wars and pandemic related disruptions impact investments. Alternative power back up options reduce sole dependence.


Key Takeaways

The Global Power Quality Equipment Market Size is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2024 to 2031. The global power quality equipment market is estimated to be valued at US$ 36.1 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.1% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.


Regional analysis- Asia Pacific region dominates with rapid industrialization and infrastructure development. China, India, Japan and South Korea are major contributors.


Key players operating in the Power Quality Equipment market are Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Tektronix Inc., B&K Precision Corporation, Keysight Technologies Inc., Pico Technology Holdings Ltd., Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Siglent Technologies Co. Ltd., Teledyne LeCroy Inc., Fluke Corporation, Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation, Rigol Technologies Inc., and National Instruments Corporation.

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